Wednesday, February 2, 2011

School District Technology

There's much right about our district's growth and planning in area of technology. I believe Riverdale got on board with cloud computing early, and many staff are comfortable sharing docs, spreadsheets and information. Linux operating system use has offered benefits to budget costs (it helps to have Linus Torvalds as member of our school community).

I did find an interesting statement in the "Instructional Use of Technology" section that stood out to me, i.e. "Classes in computer programming, network administration, web design, and computer refurbishing are suspended pending the addition of computer teaching staff."
This struck me funny because there are so many digital natives roaming the halls with the potential to fill this role. Not that RSD has the state of the art technology tools; however, it has effective equipment. It's a shame the full use awaits a teacher certified staff member.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Linus Tordvalds! That's a big name in the tech world. How involved is he in your school? Interesting observations. Of those four courses that were suspended, the only two I recognize in other schools are computer programming web design, and those not at every HS.
